If it rains on the day
of your wedding
Your Engagement
Ring is on Us!
Everyday Low price Guarantee
Get a full refund of the purchase price of your engagement ring if it rains at least an inch in Tulsa on your big day.
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Marshall & Diane Torillo
We specialize in all things diamonds.
Gabriel & Co Engagement Rings
Engagement Jewelry
The last ring she'll ever wear.
We specialize in all things bridal.
Custom Jewelry
We specialize in all things custom.
Everywhere you look today, 3D technology is starting to radically change the way we live.
From how everyday products are designed and manufactured, to how we experience major motion pictures.
J. David Jewelry (Broken Arrow)
613 North Aspen Avenue
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 251-6300
J. David Jewelry (Tulsa)
8200 East 101st Street, Suite B
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 364-6300
Store Hours
Sunday: CLOSED
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM – 5:00PM